husky puppy
AAHMN web cover


Dog Days of Summer

Join us at the Dog Days of Summer.  This free dog friendly event is full of fun! Lots of vendors, freebies, silent auction and more! We’ll have a few adoptable dogs there as well!

Pet Extravaganza

Join us for an afternoon of fun at Bone Marché’s annual Pet Extravaganza.  There will be multiple vendors, huge sales and more!  We will have paw art, prize wheel, fosters to met and more! For the Paw Art, we’ll have…
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Dog Wash at Bone Marché

Get those dirty dogs washed and support Adopt A Husky Minnesota while doing it!  We are teaming up with Bone Marché again to wash your pups, trim nails and microchip.  Dog Wash: $10, Nail Trim: $10, microchipping: $25 – freshly…
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